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- Residential Market Barometer Q1 2023 Num. 10
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- Residential Market Barometer Q1 2023 Num. 10
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Residential Market Barometer N. 10
First quarter of 2023
Analysis of the first quarter of 2023
GLOVAL Analytics continues with the quarterly analysis and study and publishes its Residential Market Barometer report, to monitor the behavior of residential market values in the Metropolitan Areas of Madrid and Barcelona. In addition to presenting a brief overview of the economic context and the situation of the real estate market.
In this tenth edition, the analysis will continue with the monitoring of the quarterly and annual evolution of housing values.
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Para la elaboración de este informe se ha analizado la evolución de los valores unitarios del uso residencial a partir de los valores de mercado libre tanto de tasaciones como de datos de ofertas de mercado, sin discriminar su tipología plurifamiliar o unifamiliar, ni su condición de obra nueva o segunda mano.
Los valores unitarios de la vivienda mantienen un comportamiento positivo anual de crecimiento tanto en los municipios principales de Madrid y Barcelona, como en sus respectivas áreas de influencia. Las variaciones trimestrales también mantienen crecimientos, salvo en el área de influencia de Madrid en la que se aprecia un leve descenso del -0,5%.
Evolution of house prices in Madrid and its metropolitan area
If we analyse the Madrid area in more detail, all the municipalities continue to have a positive evolution in the unit value of housing. The municipalities of Las Rozas de Madrid and Alcobendas continue to lead the way in terms of rises, with the municipality of San Sebastián de los Reyes now joining them. The annual evolution of the average unit value in Madrid is +6.0% and +5.1% in its area of influence. In this quarter we have seen small quarterly falls in nine of the municipalities, which could point to a slowdown in house values.

Evolution of house prices in Barcelona and its metropolitan area
The municipality of Barcelona continues to show annual growth in its average unit values, with a rise of +4.0%, which is higher than December when it stood at +2.6%. In terms of the municipalities in its area of influence, although most of them have seen rises, a small fall has been seen in El Prat de Llobregat and Montcada i Reixac, while the fall is slightly more pronounced in Sant Adrià de Besós. Overall, the average increase for the metropolitan area is +2.3%.

You can download the thenth edition of the Residential Market Barometer report below:
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