COVID-19 protocol to visit properties.
In view of Spanish Royal Decree 463/2020 passed on 14 March that declared the State of Alert to stop the spreading of COVID-19, we inform you that GLOVAL continues to provide its clients with top-quality services and has therefore adopted all necessary measures to keep our clients, employees and partners safe.
For this reason, in line with the guidelines given by the health authorities, we have drawn up the following protocol that we must always observe when visiting the inside of a property in the presence of the client’s contact person.
1. During the call to arrange a visit, our expert will reassure the contact person that he/she has no symptoms of the virus. The expert will also reassure that they are not in quarantine and is following our strict protocol to ensure everyone’s safety. Furthermore, the expert will ask the contact person who will be at the visit to confirm that he/she and the other persons in the property have no symptoms of the virus and are not in quarantine because of being in contact with infected people.
2. During this call, the expert will explain that the visit can only take place if it is possible to guarantee the recommended safety distance of 2m or at least the minimum 1m distance. The expert will also explain that there will be no other physical contact and he/she will not touch any objects or parts of the property. Doors and windows will be always opened by the contact person, again, always keeping the safety distance.
3. Also, our expert will explain that during the visit, no other people (from the household or professionals) can be in the same room where the expert is making the necessary checks. When inspecting the property, our expert will enter each room alone, keeping the recommended 2m distance with the contact person, who can nevertheless always oversee the expert’s work.
4. There will be no physical contact between the expert and the client to greet each other or say goodbye. Whenever possible, the expert and contact person will always keep the recommended 2m distance, or at least the minimum 1m distance.
5. We will use separate ways of access. If the property on another floor in the building, we will use the lift alone, separately from other neighbours and the client (if we have agreed to meet at the door to the building). If we take the stairs, we will keep the safety distance.
6. Any documents regarding the job will be scanned and sent electronically. We will not accept documents given in hand.
7. Before, during and after the visit, we will follow the hygiene guidelines given by the health authorities:
a. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water or use hand sanitizer to disinfect hands.
b. Avoid physical contact to greet people, like handshakes, kisses or hugs.
c. Keep the minimum 1m safety distance with other people when you suspect or know that there is a high chance of becoming infected.
d. Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneeze into paper tissues or into your elbow.
e. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Always disinfect your hands.
f. The use of masks is only recommended for persons who may be infected. If the expert decides to wear a mask during the visit, he/she will let the client know that he/she is only using it as an extra precaution. Also, if the expert uses safety gloves, he/she will follow the guidelines given by the health authorities.
8. At the slightest suspicion of infection or if the contact person or client cannot follow this protocol, the expert will promptly report this to GLOVAL who will then cancel the order.
We would also like to thank you for your cooperation and understanding with these measures.
Kind regards,