

Trends in the real estate market in the first quarter of 2020

Num. 5 - March 2020

Highlights of the quarter: January - March 2020

Real estate market trends report for the first quarter of 2020, with relevant information on the macroeconomic environment and the different segments of the real estate sector, such as residential, logistics/industrial, office, retail and hotel. Download the full report here:

Macroeconomic environment

The Spanish economy has entered a period of slowdown, on the other hand, expected after sustainable growth since 2014 also accompanied by a less favorable external environment, which particularly affects our external balance.

Chart 1: Real GDP and housing prices (YoY: year-on-year change. 2007-2020)

Residential segment

The housing market is broadly stabilized, mainly by demand stability.

Logistics/Industrial segment

Period of continuity compared to 2019, maintaining demand in the main logistics axes of Madrid and Barcelona.

Office segment

The pace of contracting spaces maintains its strength in areas of the Business Center and in quality, modern products.

Retail segment

The “High Street” is the most attractive segment in major cities, where the offer available is scarce and prices are around 300 euros/sqm/month, with capitalization rates around 3%.

Hotel segment

The attraction of this real estate segment by national and international investors is growing by 2020, both in the holiday and urban models.

BREXIT and the Spanish real estate market

The withdrawal of a country from the European Union is not usual, the first case occurs; England leaves the EU (Brexit) and its trade link with our country takes on a special character. The reasons for this are detailed in the full report.

The UK’s withdrawal will generate noise and uncertainty in the early stages of Brexit, but the situation will become normalized as trade agreements are established between the two countries. It should be borne in mind that England is the country that invests the most in Spain.

Chart 2: Percentage of home acquired by english citizens over total foreigners

Economic exploitations in Gloval

The Gloval Group Economic Exploitation specialized area, focuses mainly on Financial Institutions, Individuals and Investment Funds.


Regarding the geographical distribution of the works, the communities of Andalusia, the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands have covered a large part of them:

Chart 3: Commercial Exploitations Dept. Geographic distribution. 2019.
Chart 4: Commercial Exploitations. Asset types (%). 2019.

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